Welcome aboard, my friend.
It’s really good to have you here.
There’s a lot I want to share with you in much more depth than I can elsewhere.
And since it’s your first time here, allow me to introduce myself and then I’ll give you a tour around.
My name is Juan F. González. I’m one of those people for whom it’s really difficult to describe themselves in a short sentence.
Over the years, the labels I’ve used have been generalist, multiskilled, lifelong learner, tech guy, science geek, figure-shit-out kind of person, etc.
I’ve had a very bumpy ride with several lows and a few highs.
And one, if not the main, reason for that is because my life was a complete mess and self-improvement changed it all for me.
After I got like 2-3 hits there and saw what was possible, I became hooked.
I started reading and consuming everything I could get my hands on related to self-improvement and how to be a tiny bit better every time.
I did fall into the inevitable pitfall of too much information and too little practice. And then spent a sizable number of years undoing all of that.
After a long while, I came to the realization that the next level of development couldn’t be reached by focusing only on myself. But instead, shift gears into helping others in their own journeys.
That notion spawned a series of initiatives and activities I’ve been involved in for the past 4 years (time really flies, doesn’t it?) helping out others through sharing lessons and perspectives.
I first did all of this in person until 2020 happened. Then, I started writing online to make all of those experiences available to folks on a wider scale.
And now, what you see here is in a way the TL;DR of what has been my past decade of experimentation and trial & error. Filtering out what does work versus what’s just fluff without the good stuff.
But it is by no means the “ultimate” guide to improvement, life, and reality itself. Things constantly change and much of what worked in the past no longer does now.
And it’s not like I know everything that there is to know about the world.
I just happen to be one of the few “I have nothing better to do” folks who have spent waaaay much more time learning and trying stuff than 90%+ of people out there.
So, with that being said, let’s proceed with the tour, shall we?

Main quest 🛡
In here will be talking about the main idea, concept, or question that will be attacking on each edition of the newsletter.
This is where I’ll be breaking down an important concept, or presenting a different idea/perspective about the subject, or answering one of your most pressing questions.
And due to its nature, it’s going to be the longest part of the whole thing but at the same time the most valuable one.
Experiments 🧪
In this section, we’ll talk about (you guessed it) experiments.
Those I’m either currently carrying out and or I have already done in the past. And the results and main takeaways that are useful for you.
You know, there are lots of different things one could do at a given time. But there isn’t enough time to do all of them.
In those cases, you can leave the trial & error to me. I became my own favorite guinea pig back in 2015.
And if all those hits and misses can help you and others, all the better for me to know I didn’t waste the time. (I mean not all that time. Just a little.)
Power-ups ✨
This is one of my favorites and I think soon it’ll become one of yours too.
This is where you’ll find all kinds of resources to improve and “power-up” 😉 your journey.
Because the journey ahead of unlearning outdated concepts, bad habits, and harmful ideas.
And then relearning useful concepts, building good habits, and discovering new beliefs is a dangerous one.
And you’ll need to be properly equipped to survive it.
From the vault 🏛️
And finally, this is where you’ll find other writings that are interesting. Whether they are by me or by someone else.
This will be stuff that I either saved because of how great it is and it helped me or people told me it helped them and now I want to share that goodness with you.
Also, since I’m constantly finding out new things and learning about other subjects, some of those top tier resources can make an appearance in this section.
All in all, I hope you’ve liked this mini-tour of the headquarters.
Make yourself comfortable here, you’re now part of the team.
A team of other creators, builders, learners, doers, and growth-oriented people.
And like I said at the beginning, I’m not here to show off how much I know. I won’t be your typical guru telling you what you “should” do or else…
I’m more like a “guide on the side”. I’ll be learning alongside you because there’s so much to discover and so little time.
But enough about me, now I want to know about you.
If you can spare 3 mins, would you hit reply and let me know:
1- What do you do as your main work activity?
2- What is 1 skill you’d really like to develop?
That’s it!
Thanks again for being here.
I’ll catch up with you next time.

Enjoying the nods to gamification here! Self-improvement activities are a lot more effective when they’re fun.
Love the format. love the idea of powerups!